Toybox REVIEW: Power Rangers Lightning Collection Zeo Yellow Ranger

Power Rangers Lightning Collection Zeo Yellow Ranger 01

Release Date: February 2022
RRP: $22.99/£23.99

As the Power Rangers Lightning Collection continues to chug along comfortably, another fan-favourite team draws to completion. Following on directly from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers it isn't any surprise that Power Rangers Zeo is another series that Hasbro were quick to complete, with the Lightning Collection Zeo Yellow Ranger being the fifth member of the team to be released as part of the general retail waves. The only one outstanding was the Pink Ranger, who was released alongside yet another version of MMPR Pink in special two-pack set. Whether she'll join the others as a single release any time soon is anyone's guess, but it's nice to know the whole Zeo team is out there for those looking to grab them.

Power Rangers Lightning Collection Zeo Yellow Ranger Box 01

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The Lightning Collection's days are numbered when it comes to windowed boxes but for the time being the Zeo Yellow Ranger comes in the packaging we're all familiar with, sporting that wonderful headshot artwork from StrongStuffTom. Alongside that on the front there's that big window to show off the figure inside, and then on the back you'll find the familiar CG render of the figure in an action pose. Inside Tanya is neatly stored alongside all her accessories on a moulded plastic tray.

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After repeated releases of the male body it's quite a refreshing change of pace to see one of the Zeo girls at long last, with the female body suiting the Power Rangers Zeo suit design rather well. Despite how easy it would be for the two colours to get lost in one another the painted gold sections do stand out from the yellow rather well, which is partly thanks to the white areas helping to break them up a bit. Overall the Zeo suits are relatively simple compared to other Rangers, with the important details being in concentrated areas rather than spread across the body. But those areas – such as all the detailing on the gold areas, have been moulded and painted nicely.

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The figure shares the same body and articulation as the rest of the female rangers released in the line so far, bringing all the good and the bad of that mould along with it. Altogether Zeo Yellow features; 
- Ball jointed head, torso and hips
- Single hinge neck and ab crunch 
- Swivel hinge shoulders, elbows, wrists and ankles 
- Double hinge knees 
- Thigh and boot swivels
What's left to say about this that hasn't been said already? What articulation the figure has certainly does the job but compared to the sturdier frame and varied movement of the male body it's hard not to feel short-changed. Hopefully things will get better for female figures going forwards in the line, but that doesn't really help all the girls that have already been produced. Still, you can still get some great poses out of Zeo Yellow, most importantly ones that make full use of her varied array of weaponry. One curious thing I noticed about my copy of the figure is that the inside of the upper torso was much more exposed without careful positioning of the torso, almost as if it was a little shorter than it is on other figures. It's not something I can say I've noticed on other figures, and may just be an issue on my copy – but felt worth mentioning nonetheless.

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